What is the challenge
The B.A.N.G Book Club 52 Week challenge is a romance reading challenge with 52 Prompts one for each week. The goal is to match a book to a each prompt.
How it Works
Join B.A.N.G Book club on Facebook
Join the official group for this challenge
Using the our challenge graphic
match a book to each of the 52 prompts
Once you've finished, check it off your list and share your read with us in the challenge group on facebook or share on social media using the hashtag #bangbookclubreadingchallenge23

2023 Graphic Downloads
Challenge and Prompt Tips
We have some help tips for some of the prompts
Click to see a list of authors in B.A.N.G.
Click here to see book recs for the following prompts
A sports romance
A book with a cartoon cover
A holiday themed book
Fake relationship
Under 200 pages
Grumpy sunshine
Book "out of this world"
Reverse age gap
Omegaverse romance
Book with the color purple in the cover
An authors debut novel
Book set in a racing world
Book that was recommended to you
Starts with an M
Written by a Bipoc author
A book with a playlist
story from an anthology
A rom com
Small town romance
Cover with woman on it
Book with number in the tltle
Book turned into movie/tv show
Single parent
OG romance
Newly published author
Time travel
A retelling
Aone word title
book by an author with X,Y, or Z in their name
Taboo romance
Book with object on the cover
Second chance
Book with the word dare in the title
MC romance
Set in Canada
Book with a musician
Book with a dual timeline
Bodice ripper
Book with a POC as a main character
Book with discreet cover