Title: Living For Forever
Series: Battle Born MC
Author: Scarlett Black
Genre: Erotica / MC
Publication Date: October 22, 2018
Nothing in life lasts forever, but forever in love is just what they might get. Axl’s world is shattered right before his eyes and he risks losing everything- the MC he loves and the woman he’s already claimed. Living a life free of worries has never been an issue for him. He’s partied and lived fast with the best of them. When faced with life altering changes, he must choose between the beast he’s turned into or find a way back to learn who he is again. Dana has always been the heart of her girls and family. If her past has taught her anything, it’s that, eventually, those you love will always leave you. Can she have faith that, even though mistakes are made and people change, love will bring them back to her?
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Rating ★★★★
Living for Forever is the third book in the Battle Born MC series. While it focuses on Jenn and James, it is told from several different points of view, but it totally works for this story. I think this might be my favorite from the series. I am not the biggest MC book fan, I tend to find them quite crude and their treatment of women despicable, BUT this was a really good story line. I love that Jenn finds a way to come back from a dark place and does what she needs to reclaim her life. I found myself cheering her on! Really good story!!
I live in a small town in Northern Nevada with my husband, our three kids and a couple of dogs. I love watching baseball, especially when my kids or hubby play. One day, I had random thoughts floating around in my head, opened my laptop and started writing without really knowing where the journey would take me. Here I am now, a first-time erotic MC genre author, who also works full time. I enjoy my busy life, the outdoors and shopping as much as possible!
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