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REVIEW: Warrior Undone by Jessica Ruben

Author: Jessica Ruben

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publication Date: February 4, 2019

I have no intention of finding happily-ever-after.

At least, not anymore.

Fighting for my country was an honor,

returning home is a curse.

My demons need to be fed.

How else can a shattered man stay afloat?

When a wild night in Las Vegas with the sexiest woman I've ever met turns into hell, she attaches to me as though I'm her savior.

But what happens when a woman hangs her hands on broken glass?

She bleeds.

*Warrior Undone is a stand alone spin-off from the Vincent and Eve series. This is a full length novel.

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Rating ★★★

Warrior Undone is a stand-alone romance that is a spinoff from Jessica Ruben's series Vincent and Eve which I loved and if you haven't read it, its a definite must read if you ask me. Now this book is about Slade and Lauren who we met in the Vincent and Eve series. This book deals with PTSD and the affect it can have. Jessica definitely gives us some very raw and often times heartbreaking moments throughout this book. I found myself bouncing back and forth between how I wanted the characters to deal with things as they came up. It definitely had me thinking of what I would do in the scenario that Slade and Lauren find themselves in. When you're in love what lengths will you go to when the other person is struggling? And at what point do you say enough is enough, more importantly can you make those hard decisions knowing there might be no coming back from them. No I feel this is where I might be in the minority a bit with this book. While the storyline was definitely emotional and heavy, I struggled to connect with Slade and Lauren individually. Don't get me wrong what they go through is definitely heartbreaking and angsty. But I just couldn't connect to them for whatever reason. Bare in mind I've been in a bit of a slump lately when it comes to reading, this book did take me a few days to read when normally I'm a sit down and don't come up for air until I'm done kind of girl. I loved the storyline, the emotional aspects of it and the journey between the two characters. And I absolutely think that those that love a good emotional read will love this one. If asked I would say yes it's worth a read.

Jessica Ruben lives and works in New York City, where she spends her days dominating in the court room as an attorney. Come nightfall, she writes romances centering on gorgeous alpha males and the intelligent women who love them.

Jessica is an insatiable reader, and will devour a few books a week without batting an eyelash. Books have always been her drug of choice, and she has no plans on detox anytime soon. She has three wildly delicious children and a husband who, for reasons unimaginable to her, loves her brand of crazy.


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